Tammy Mackenzie, CEO
Email: tammy@printourhome.com
Phone: (514) 544-5226
Tammy Mackenzie, MBA, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors: A manager, investor, former account manager in an accounting firm, a business ethics philosopher and a human rights activist. Her professional expertise is primarily in construction and social economy.
She’s a Mom and a lover of nature and life, who finds meaning and joy in working towards strengthening society through compassionate rationality, and in growing this project with the extraordinary people of Print our Home and CoopPOHÉ.
Long term goals:
Her focus is on our projects being a source of knowledge, hope, and robustness to our partners.
Links to other projects:
http://csaes.org : An all-ages Solidarity Cooperative for research into cooperative learning and entrepreneurship.
http://redaq.ca : A self-managed network in support of democratic education and schools for Québec and think-tank for civil rights in education.